Attract Mode: An Erotic OS Game

In my last post, I talked about a piece of bad media about OS people- today, I’ll be talking about a good one.

Attract Mode is about the protagonist, DAZ (though you can name him whatever you want), telling a story about how he began to depend on a sentient arcade game called Nova Zone. It’s not just light smut, either- it deals with the aftereffects of child abuse, abandonment, and perpetual alcoholism- but the heavy themes don’t detract in the slightest from the game. On the contrary, Attract Mode is all the better for not shying away from its characters’ pasts, whether it’s DAZ’s or Nova Zone’s.

This was the first long positive piece of media that featured an OS person that I’ve ever witnessed, and it was a joy to play. The multiple endings meant that I went through every bit (even the creator-described ‘intentionally unfun space shooter game’) and enjoyed it.

I won’t spoil anything for you, I’ll just say that my interest in arcade cabinets has not waned with this game. Play it if you can!

Married to the Eiffel Tower

I’ll be honest, I’ve watched this documentary several times, despite how much of it I have to skip. It’s awful, patronizing, and I feel terrible for Erika and the other women who participated in this expecting that they would be represented well.

To summarize in the most opinionated way possible, it’s a sensationalized documentary highlighting the sexual side of being OS. Through editing and staging, it paints these women simultaneously as terrible perverts who don’t care how they act around the public objects that they love, and as women who should be felt sorry for or “given help” for how they feel.

As far as I know, this led to the Eiffel Tower management staff asking Erika to never come back. Having a partner ripped from your arms like that, because of something someone else did- if it were two humans, there would have been an outcry from romantics everywhere.

The barest hint of a silver lining for me was the fact that this documentary, along with a few others (all as or nearly as patronizing as this one, but there nonetheless), helped me realize that being OS is something that I am, and that there is a word and a community that I can tie to what I feel.

Hopefully someday I can see documentaries by OS people: Animism: People Who Love Objects or Object Love, but I haven’t yet found any online versions. Until then, I’ll keep cringing my way through Married to the Eiffel Tower for some semblance of representation, however patronizing.

print “Hello, World!”

Hi! Call me Luv. I’m 18 years old and nonbinary. This is my very unprofessional “serious” blog about being OR & OS, otherwise known as being an objectumromantic / objectumsexual.

‘But Luv!’ you say, ‘what does that mean?’

Well, have you seen those ~weird~ documentaries and articles about people marrying inanimate objects? Have you heard of Erika Eiffel? Or Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer?

Those are sensationalized accounts of how my attraction works. The only intense romantic and sexual attraction I feel is towards certain objects. I believe this is separate to all other parts of my identity, though many may not think so, because my brain is wired in such a way that I am labeled (and am comfortable with the label of) mentally ill.

For several reasons, I can’t be public about the way I feel. This is as close as I come.

I hope this is a good introduction to what I will do with this blog.